Spokesperson Training Center

Communication Tips & Trainings

Helping You Tell Your Story

Less than 2% of Americans are directly involved in agriculture: it’s crucial we help the other 98% understand the work behind the food that nourishes their bodies.

Dairy checkoff is committed to helping protect and promote the image of dairy products, producers and the industry by offering training and tools to help dairy farmers tell their story to the public and a comprehensive issues management system.Whether you’re managing your farm’s Facebook page or talking to the media, we can help ensure that you are prepared to tell your story.

How to Give a Strong Introduction

Create a simple, strong introduction that communicates who you are and what you stand for. It will stick with your audience.

How to Build Trust by Starting with the WHY

People don’t care about how many cows you have or how many acres you farm. They care why you farm.

How to Talk About Sustainability

Sustainability carries different meanings to people. Think of the concept as a three-legged stool: environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Prepare your Elevator Speech

An elevator speech is a brief message that sparks interest in you, your farm or creates interest in a project, idea or product.

Telling Your Story

We are Here to Serve You

Want More?

Always remember that every interview is an opportunity to tell your story. It is important we take advantage of these opportunities to reach the public with information on how dairy farmers provide nutritious foods for families to enjoy while caring for the land, the water, the air, and their animals.

If you have further questions, would like to go over questions or prep for an upcoming media opportunity, please contact Tina Peterson at tpeterson@wisconsindairy.org or 608.203.7210.